FRWS 2022 Agenda

Are you looking to develop your skills? Why not join one of our excellent workshops? See below for more details.

Presentations, Panels & Personal Stories

  • R U OK? How to ask if others are OK

    Garry will discuss how to create conversations with colleagues, managers and within community and families so we can engage in meaningful interactions to understand if those around you are ok. Valuing the diversity of the first responder community, we will explore the critical considerations, genuine and authentic approaches and how to speak with compassion.

  • Holding meaningful coaching conversations in crisis

    Living a life facing repeated and regular situations of trauma, all first responders and their communities need to be able to create coaching conversations during, after and in preparation for crisis situations. We’ll discuss how to do this through supporting proactive mental health management, organisational efficiency and skills development at all levels.

  • Reconnecting with Yourself and Others in Times of Persistent Pressure

    The last few years have influenced our experiences and everyday life. We will consider the impact on our wellbeing needs and responses, especially through ‘social distancing’ and the changing workplace. Through sharing information and practical strategies, we will self-reflect and consider how to reconnect with ourselves and each other, and work towards strategies that support our health and wellbeing.

  • The responsibility of management in organisations facing repeat trauma

    Leading and managing others in crisis requires an ability to recognise and call out behaviours, support those in crisis and to create calm in challenging environments. Our panel of senior leaders will identify and highlight the critical role of those managing, formally or informally, in situations of repeat trauma. Discussing the elements required to create purposeful, productive interactions, they will address the benefits in reduced negative perceptions, allowing people to voice concerns and to create a supportive, constructive and solution focused environment.

  • Resources to assess and find motivation and resilience when struggling

    Marie will focus on how awareness and action create resilience and will present two useful tools that allow individuals/organisations to assess and respond to data around personal, team or organisational motivation. She will share data from Resilience@Work and Motivational Maps to quantify wellbeing in a solution based approach. This session will allow attendees to contemplate what influences their wellbeing and how they can progress to a better sense of wellbeing.

  • Proactively managing your workplace value and ethics

    We will discuss the impact of feeling betrayed or when actions don’t align with your own moral code and explore how moral injuries connect to deep spiritual, religious or existential selves. We will think deeply about our own beliefs about the world that exist at a deep level in our hearts and souls. This session will be useful for all from seasoned first responders to those new to the first responder world and their families.

  • Career moves after crisis - Transitioning within or across agencies and industries

    Whether finding a new career after mental health difficulties, fatigued by a current position or employing people managing their mental health after trauma, this session is designed for both individuals and organisations navigating employment during or following wellbeing difficulties. A tangible discussion will address concerns and experiences of first responders in moving agencies, positions or in changing life phases. We will work to offer constructive and productive information, resources and examples to assist in moving to a better career space.


  • Proactively Dealing with Stigma & Fear of Reprisal 9 March 9-11am

    By supporting current, past or potential first responders, their family and community in managing trauma holistically, this workshop will assist all attending in reflecting on their current emotional, lifestyle and wellbeing. With greater awareness of current circumstances, we will discuss potential support strategies, solutions, resources and networks that may be available.

  • Connecting your Ethics & Values to benefit your Wellbeing 2 March 9-11am

    Extending our 2021 discussion on the correlation of values and ethics to our spiritual health and overall wellbeing, we will lead attendees through an understanding of their values at a deeper level, identifying their own ethical frameworks and creating clarity in their sense of self and value. In this interactive workshop, attendees will have time to consider and discuss insights, and explore next steps for improvement.

  • PTSD - Turning trauma into thriving 9 March 12-2pm

    Extending our 2021 panel discussion about a holistic response to management of PTSD, our attendees will have the opportunity to connect with their state of mind with the goal of identifying a path forward. Considering self, connections and resources, we will provide insights for attendees to discuss and relate to before looking at opportunities to support hope.

NOTE: All sessions will be run through Zoom. Download ‘Zoom client for meetings’ here if you do not have access already. By registering, links for individual sessions will be emailed directly to you at the email address provided.
